Many, many people travel these days, but I hope everyone remembers the first time they began travelling. Their first trip. Because it's amazing, insane, unbelievable.
The months leading up to getting on the plane (you know, the one flying over the OCEAN?) I didn't know how I was going to go through with it. Thoughts of flying sent anxiety bubbling in my stomach and caused my tongue to itch.
We saved and saved, and made a pretty big mistake in acquiring our money (nothing illegal) for the tickets, and it felt like a miracle when we finally got the e-mail with out printable plane tickets. And when I boarded the plane and flew across the Atlantic ocean? I had a blast.
8-hours to read magazines, play Farmville, and sleep was fantastic.
Landing in London, driving on the 'wrong' side of the road, going to bed in England that first night... it was surreal. My heart fluttered every time I let myself believe that I was here, that I had traveled to another country, that I had enjoyed an 8-hour plane ride.
I will hold that giddiness with me for the rest of my life; I hope everyone gets a chance to feel that wonder and excitement, and I hope everyone retains that memory.
Our first day was very simple. Katelin's step-grandparents picked us up in the morning and took us out for lunch at The Swan in Ash Vale, Surrey. Delicious.
The pub was absolutely adorable.
What I was most excited to see in England was the architecture of their towns, villages and neighborhoods, and I was not disappointed. As a Harry Potter fan now staying in a neighborhood that resembles Privet Drive, I was wide-eyed and toothy-grins!
Back at Katelin's grandparents house, I was too excited to be in England to just hang around, so we took a stroll through their (also adorable) neighborhood down to the park.
Have you been to England? What was your favorite part?
Outfit details: Dress, H&M / Leggings, gift / Cardigan, gift / Shoes, Minnetonka Moccasins / Purse, Antique from England
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