
See You in 2015!

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've taken December off from regular blogging. What with travelling home and holidays immediately after, a break was for the best!

I'll be back in January to ring in 2015 with weekly posts, monthly goals, and photos from my trip to England.

Happy holidays!

Do you have a Word of the Year picked out for 2015? I can't decide if I want to pick one or not...


NO Goals for December

That's right. I am declaring it. I am setting NO goals for myself this December!

One week from today (Tuesday) Katelin and I will be flying home to America. In the few weeks after we have plans for a Christmas shebang with our best friend, Tina, that includes a maternity photoshoot, and a few days after that my family will be in town for Christmas!!

There is also a to-do list with important items that must be done, and with such a busy, kind of stressful month ahead...

I didn't want to set myself up for failure and discouragement.

I know what I can handle, and I'm already questioning how I will balance everything planned. To add 5 goals would not be my best move!

Let's review last month's goals...

You can see them here.

Three have a big check-mark next to them while two got a star for effort!

Yoga was not such a priority for me in November. I participated in #SizeDoesntMatter for about half the month this round, and I just wasn't feeling it. So, I stopped!

The same thing happened with yoga videos three times a week. Most weeks I did one video, but go me for pushing myself just that bit!

I participated in Mara Glatzel's Course Brave Love, and SO loved it!! I have a few lessons I'm taking my time to catch up on, but it was so, so fantastic. I completely encourage all of you to check out her blog and offerings!

Stonehenge totally happened. Ahh.. it was... beautiful. Once I am home and rested, I plan on writing some posts featuring photos and stories of everything we saw! Stonehenge was one of my top three faves.

And, lastly, if you take a peek towards the bottom of any page, you will see a cleaned up categories section! Yay!

While I won't be working towards goals this month, I am participating in an Instagram yoga challenge - #HoHoHipOpeners with @yoga_davina. If you care to follow along, you can find me @evecalian!

Here's to a happy, goal-free December!

Let me know in the comments what goals you're setting! If you're not, tell me why!