
NO Goals for December

That's right. I am declaring it. I am setting NO goals for myself this December!

One week from today (Tuesday) Katelin and I will be flying home to America. In the few weeks after we have plans for a Christmas shebang with our best friend, Tina, that includes a maternity photoshoot, and a few days after that my family will be in town for Christmas!!

There is also a to-do list with important items that must be done, and with such a busy, kind of stressful month ahead...

I didn't want to set myself up for failure and discouragement.

I know what I can handle, and I'm already questioning how I will balance everything planned. To add 5 goals would not be my best move!

Let's review last month's goals...

You can see them here.

Three have a big check-mark next to them while two got a star for effort!

Yoga was not such a priority for me in November. I participated in #SizeDoesntMatter for about half the month this round, and I just wasn't feeling it. So, I stopped!

The same thing happened with yoga videos three times a week. Most weeks I did one video, but go me for pushing myself just that bit!

I participated in Mara Glatzel's Course Brave Love, and SO loved it!! I have a few lessons I'm taking my time to catch up on, but it was so, so fantastic. I completely encourage all of you to check out her blog and offerings!

Stonehenge totally happened. Ahh.. it was... beautiful. Once I am home and rested, I plan on writing some posts featuring photos and stories of everything we saw! Stonehenge was one of my top three faves.

And, lastly, if you take a peek towards the bottom of any page, you will see a cleaned up categories section! Yay!

While I won't be working towards goals this month, I am participating in an Instagram yoga challenge - #HoHoHipOpeners with @yoga_davina. If you care to follow along, you can find me @evecalian!

Here's to a happy, goal-free December!

Let me know in the comments what goals you're setting! If you're not, tell me why!


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