
5 Goals for October

Happy October, friends!

I say this every new season, but Fall has to be my favorite season.

Except I totally do not say that about winter.

Surprisingly here in England, it is not feeling exceptionally fall-y! Sometimes it's chilly, sometimes it's downright hot, + it still remains very green.

With the new month coming in, I want to set some goals.

Goals make me excited, but they can also make me feel pretty crappy when I don't excel in the ways I hope. So, I set these goals with relaxed intentions. Aka: it is NOT the end of the world if I fall behind or scrap them all together.

Though, I must say, these goals are pretty fun.

1. Do Yoga Every Day

Simple, I miss it.

Inspired by mynameisjessamyn and her #SizeDoesntMatter yoga challenge, I want to start making yoga a daily practice again. Even if it's one pose.

2. #lovetober

I'll be joining with hundreds of others in Gala Darling's October Instagram challenge, #lovetober!

It's Time for Another IG Challenge: Let's Go, #lovetober! By GalaDarling

This is not my first Instagram challenge, but I hope it is the first that I COMPLETE.

Follow along on my IG, @evecalian!

3. Go to a Pumpkin Patch

+ not just any pumpkin patch - an ENGLISH pumpkin patch!

I haven't been in years, so this needs to be remedied in this new country.

4. Carve a Pumpkin

You can't go to a pumpkin patch, purchase a pumpkin, + not carve it. Ok?

5. Organize this Space

In the next few weeks a new about page will appear, the tags will get cleaned up, + I'll become more familiar with the new layout. Hopefully, this will make navigating this space easier for you + create a homier environment for us all.

What are some goals you have for the coming month?


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