I love to make personal goals for new years, so I've made up a list of some for this school year below. Feel free to join me and leave some of your own in the comments!
- Start journaling every night (or most nights) again.
- Make time to efficiently relax every day.
- Read at least one book not for school each semester.
- Stay on the Dean's List.
- Be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up over work, homework, grades, etc.
- Treat your body well: maintain a weekly yoga schedule, get enough fruits and veggies every day, and get enough sleep.
- Treat yourself every week.
- Don't spend too much every month, but make sure to get Starbucks with Katelin.
- Clean the dorm well every two weeks.
- Wash the bed sheets every month.
- Don't bite your nails when you're nervous (but if you do, they grow back).
- Blog once a week.
- Most of all, love yourself every day.
I promise.
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